Melodies and stems are are played on diatonic and chromatic harmonicas in Sväng. There exists plethora of types of diatonic harmonica models, but some types are specially typical for traditional folk music in Finland. Especially the tremolo tuned Echo harmonicas and octave tuned Comet harmonicas were popular in Finland last century, and Sväng is using these instruments in many songs for their unique - sometimes even peculiar - sound.
The more common type of diatonic harmonica is the 10-hole Richter model aka blues-harmonica. These tiny little instruments we use a lot for their beautiful, singing and bending sound quality.
Chromatic harmonicas are also in extensive use. We use chromatic harmonicas in different keys to achieve the best possible playing position to produce fiddle-like fluid frasing.
Harmonies and rhtyhm in Sväng are created by chord harmonica Harmonetta. Sväng often refers to Harmonetta as the "drumset and guitar of the band". It is not only harmonies but the breath based groove that the Harmonetta creates. Harmonetta is a unique antique instrument that Hohner produced from 1950's until the end of 1960's. It combines a harmonica like mouthpiece to a special mechanism with buttons. By pressing the buttons and in- or exhaling the player can produce any type of chord in any key. This is not possible with any other harmonica model. The common chord harmonica (the extremely long one) is still available in music shops, but it is limited in chordal expression and clumsier to play that Jouko has chosen to use only Harmonetta.
The very low end of Sväng sound is created with bass harmonica. This instrument has same range as double bass, and it can produce frequencies equal to it's sibling. Bass harmonica is a nasty beast to play. All other types of harmonicas one can play by in- and exhaling. The bass is played by only blowing. And the player must have a very consistent air control: if you blow too hard, it will not sound or sounds really bad, if you blow too soft, the lower reeds will not sound. Mastering the bass is very special, but so rewarding.